Purple Confederate
Leftie Study Yellow Blue
Leftie Study Blue
Leftie Study Hospital Green Cluster
Leftie Study Quinacridone Tickle
Large Leftie Cobalt
Hanging Cloister
Untitled 08
Holding Vestibule
Work it Out
Something 60s
Purple Confederate
Purple Confederate

Acrylic on canvas, 2013. This little painting was pivotal in the developing experiment engaged at this time. Something certainly did ‘happen’ which was greater than anything I could consciously muster: the tension between dark and light, the interplay of foreground, background, muted and vibrant colours. In other words – I didn’t get to this by thinking (and that made it all the more interesting). I’d never painted anything like this before (and likely never will). Over time one of the (self-imposed) challenges has been to get close to this at a larger scale.

Leftie Study Yellow Blue
Leftie Study Yellow Blue

Acrylic on canvas, 2013.

Leftie Study Blue
Leftie Study Blue

Acrylic on canvas, 2013.

Leftie Study Hospital Green Cluster
Leftie Study Hospital Green Cluster

Acrylic on canvas, 2013.

Leftie Study Quinacridone Tickle
Leftie Study Quinacridone Tickle

Acrylic on canvas, 2013. (The excessive dribbles are not intentional.)

Large Leftie Cobalt
Large Leftie Cobalt

Acrylic on canvas, 2013. This was an earlier larger ‘leftie’ painting expressed in one gusto session.

Hanging Cloister
Hanging Cloister

Acrylic on canvas, 2013.

Untitled 08
Untitled 08

Acrylic on canvas, 2013.

Holding Vestibule
Holding Vestibule

Acrylic on canvas, circa 2013. This is from the vestigials of right-handed painting (off and on) over three decades.

Work it Out
Work it Out

Acrylic on canvas, circa 2013. Another precursor to the ‘Leftie’ paintings later in 2013.

Something 60s
Something 60s

Acrylic on canvas, circa 2013. Another ‘pre-Leftie’ experiment.