Quadrant Ovoids 01
Quadrant Ovoids 02
Quadrant Ovoids 03
Quadrant Ovoids 04
Quadrant Ovoids 05
Quadrant Ovoids 06
Quadrant Ovoids 07
Quadrant Ovoids 08
Quadrant Ovoids 09
Quadrant Ovoids 09
Quadrant Ovoids 01
Quadrant Ovoids 01

Acrylic on canvas, 2008. The original name assigned to this series was ‘Rectvoids’. The intent was gesturing towards shapes that were trapezoid but made oval. The name could have been ‘Trapezvoid’ but this seemed too much of a mouthful. So, combining ‘rectangle’ with ‘ovoid’ (of a solid or a three-dimensional surface more or less egg-shaped) produced ‘rectvoid’. I’m not keen on this designation now (sounding as it does like a riff on descriptions of the eliminatory sphincter). So to simplify the issue (and since there were always four of these shapes appearing in this series), I have settled on ‘Quadrant Ovoids’.

Quadrant Ovoids 02
Quadrant Ovoids 02

Acrylic on canvas, 2008. This is one of my favourites from this series – primarily because of the colours (purple, orange and red–pink), and it reminds me of the 1960s (the decade during which I appeared). The shape of the elements felt exuberant and the four-quadrant cluster provided a template in which to explore the tensions of colour, size, foreground and background. I seemed to be easing further into the notion of painting for its own sake without the ‘burden’ of meaning. However, there was still attachment to form (in this case, the shape of each ovoid).

Quadrant Ovoids 03
Quadrant Ovoids 03

Acrylic on canvas, 2008. I do have a predilection to certain colours. However, through this series (and oftentimes before and after), I’ve endeavoured to challenge my colour biases. I also don’t recall any particular artists influencing this series. However, thinking about it, there is perhaps influences of colour-tension that Rothko achieved in his later works.

Quadrant Ovoids 04
Quadrant Ovoids 04

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

Quadrant Ovoids 05
Quadrant Ovoids 05

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

Quadrant Ovoids 06
Quadrant Ovoids 06

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

Quadrant Ovoids 07
Quadrant Ovoids 07

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

Quadrant Ovoids 08
Quadrant Ovoids 08

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

Quadrant Ovoids 09
Quadrant Ovoids 09

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.

Quadrant Ovoids 09
Quadrant Ovoids 09

Acrylic on canvas, 2008.